Sanitization & Disinfection

Our Services

Sanitization & Disinfection for Your Home

We remove odors and protect your home from harmful germs of all kinds. Bacteria and viruses are stronger than ever. They travel faster, farther, and are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics and traditional disinfection techniques. Much of what once worked to combat these dangerous microbes becomes less effective with every passing day.

Green Touches offers home and apartments, modern decontamination and infection prevention technologies. We treat your home in a way that makes it resistant to strains of bacteria, viruses, and other types of contaminants. We build a shield for you that offers constant protection, and we do so in a way that is verifiable and affordable.

Sanitization & Disinfection for Nurseries, Schools, Colleges and Universities

We help schools keep their students healthy and attendance rates high. Bacteria and viruses that prey on children are stronger than ever, traveling faster, farther, and becoming increasingly resistant traditional decontamination techniques. Educational facilities of all kinds have a special duty to protect their students from the spread of disease. Recent advances in disinfectant and infection prevention techniques give administrators a great opportunity to keep students and staff happier and healthier by cutting down on transmission at their schools.

Green Touches offers all types of decontamination and infection prevention technologies. We treat the surfaces in halls, classrooms, and athletic facilities in a way that makes them resistant to dangerous strains of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other contaminants. We build a shield that offers constant protection from infection, and we do so in a way that is verifiable and affordable.

Sanitization and Disinfection for Businesses & Employers

We keep businesses and employers, safe from harmful germs and microorganisms. Bacteria and viruses are traveling faster, farther, and are becoming increasingly resistant to traditional decontamination techniques. The sheer size of many buildings, coupled with limited cleaning resources, has led to an alarming rise in harmful contamination present in our workplace. From Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) to the rapid growth of Community Acquired Infections (CAI’s), building staff are under increasing pressure to fight these sophisticated threats with limited resources.

We provide decontamination and infection prevention technologies. Treatments in your building target and kill the germs at the root of SBS. We build a shield for you that offers constant protection for you and your employees, doing so in a way that is verifiable and affordable.

Green Touches Infection & Control Programs include the Following:

  • Assessment & Testing

  • State of the Art Products & Equipment

  • Training & Education

  • Monitoring & Compliance

Ready to Get Started?

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